Stinky armpits, ain't nobody got time for that, and yes it would be great to say this is my natural smell, however ( and especially from living in a rather toxic city like Athens) that natural scent, isn't always sugar and spice and all things nice.
I started making our own deodorant about 6 months ago after the last natural one I was gifted ran out and we couldn't be happier with the results. As always with the simply living page, it's super simple!
The Ingredients
Coconut Oil - Super moisturising, anti- bacterial/fungi/inflammatory
Corn Flour - Absorbs your sweat, and neutralises your stink
Baking Soda - Same as above
Tea Tree Oil - Anti bacterial/inflammatory/ fungal, smells nice!
The How
Mix 2tbs of melted coconut oil with 1.5tbs of cornflour & 1.5tbs of baking soda. Add 10-15 drops of Tea Tree essential oils. (this makes 60ml)
Mix Mix Mix
Pour into your pot ( I use a 60ml aluminium tin)
Leave to solidify & volia!!
And thats all folks.
The best no nasty homemade deodorant that works absolute wonders!
Love always
B x